DISCLAIMER: All views expressed from here on are fictional and I am not responsible for anything that you do after reading this. (Devilish smirk)
For those who are not, the complete verse is "I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes, its about that state of mind when one attains true enlightenment, the mind and soul become one, and one gets lost among the universal brotherhood of Marry Jane.
I believe that a "Trip" should start with something jovial and symbolic, and what could be better than the Beatles' classics, the ones that were obviously the result of an "enlightened" state of mind.
Like "Lucy in the sky with diamonds
According to Wiki the genesis of the song was Lennon's son, "Lennon's son, Julian, showed his father a nursery school drawing he called "Lucy - in the sky with diamonds", depicting his classmate, Lucy O'Donnell." Lennon was obviously high at the moment.
(Just in case you didn't get it, think LSD)
"The Who" have a very good song which has just about the right combination of everything. One of their most famous songs "Baba O'Riely" also known as "Teenage Wasteland
No "Journey" can be complete without a detour towards the land of "Pink Floyd
Everyone has their own favourite, but mine is "Coming Back to Life
While were here, we mind as well visit Led Zeppelin
Now, its time to meet The Man Who Sold the World
When the Music's Over
I'm afraid that this is The End
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